Lear Workshops
Lear Workshops
Graduate Workshops
Graduate Workshops
Workshop Offerings Spring 2025
Please send a 500.00 payment and completed registration form to:
C.J. Lear 1575 Raywood Rd., Alliance, Ohio 44601
All checks payable to Muskingum University
2025 Spring Courses
****ALL NEW***
Boosting Your Lessons for Student Engagement
January 9th & 23rd (5:00-9:00)
January 11th,12th,25th,26th , 2025 (8:30-4:30)
Course Description: EDUC-580-N2090
This experientially oriented course focuses on highly engaging lesson plans and strategies to help create them. Special attention is paid to the relationship between student engagement and lesson planning, writing learning objectives, curriculum alignment, and engaging activities. Translating that information into a professional development lesson plan for colleagues is emphasized.
Location: ZOOM
Trust, Humor, Praise, and Connection for Meaninful Relationships with Students
February 6th & 20th (5:00-9:00)
February 8th, 9th, 22nd,23rd , 2025 (8:30-4:30)
Course Description: EDUC-580-N2091
Educators know the importance of connecting with students. This course focuses on 4 key ideas for making connections and developing relations trust, humor, praise and connection. You’ll work to set connections using a strategy you’ve not tried. Learn about ways to trust your students to participation in and control their own learning. Examine how you praise your students and create phrases to make sure your students are getting positive, constructive feedback to improve and develop their skills.
Location: ZOOM
Creating a Student-Led Learning Environment
March 13th & 27th (5:00-9:00)
March 15th,16th,29th,30th, 2025 (8:30-4:30)
Course Description: EDUC-580-N2092
This experientially oriented course focuses the teacher’s role in student-led learning in the classroom by transferring some of the power of design, decision-making, and collaboration to the students. Topics include: benefits of student-led learning, key strategies that will allow students to be in charge of their learning, and how to shift from teacher-led instruction and activities to student-led activities in the classroom. A multitude of handouts and ready-to-use activities will be given to help teachers make an easier transition from teacher-led to student-led.
Location: ZOOM
Refocus and Recharge: Strategies for Finding Balance in Teaching
April 10th & 24th (5:00-9:00)
April 12th, 13th, 26th & 27th, 2025 (8:30-4:30)
Course Description: EDUC-580-N2093
This experientially oriented course focuses on the need for teachers to refocus and recharge to maintain their mental and emotional well-being, which is crucial for effectively managing a classroom, providing quality instruction, and ensuring student success. If teachers don’t take time to de-stress and rejuvenate themselves, they often experience burnout. This course offers strategies and techniques to return to the classroom with renewed energy and patience.
Location: ZOOM
Registration Forms
Registration Forms
Click the button below and print the registration form.
Registration Forms CANNOT be altered in any way. Please print out the correct registration for the course you are planning to take. The University will not accept registrations that have been altered.
The NEW Registration Forms have been uploaded! However, the cost of the seminar is NOT CORRECT!
I will contact the University and have this corrected! The cost of each workshop is still 500.00 and has NOT increased. Thanks for your patience!
Organization & Communication Skills in the classroom
September 14th,16th,17th,
30th & Oct. 1st
Course #
Click Below
Classroom Management: Collaboration & Team Building
Oct. 12th, 14th, 15th ,28th, 29th
Course #
EDUC- 580-N1980
Click below
Critical Thinking & Social Skills for Students
Nov. 30th & Dec. 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th
Course #
Click below
- Click on the bottom to download the correct form for the workshop you wish to take. Please complete the registration, sign and date the bottom, and email the registration back to Cjlear@neo.rr.com Please leave Student ID blank. Muskingum requires that you include you Social Security number in place of the Student ID.
- Leave Student ID# BLANK
- SIGN and DATE at the bottom
- Make checks payable to:
Muskingum University
- Leave Student ID# BLANK
- SIGN and DATE at the bottom
- Make checks payable to:
Muskingum University
- Mail the Registration and Payment to:
C.J. Lear
1575 Raywood Rd.
Alliance, Ohio 44601
If attending the in-person courses, payment is due the first day of class.
- Mail the Registration and Payment to:
C.J. Lear
1575 Raywood Rd.
Alliance, Ohio 44601
If attending the in-person courses, payment is due the first day of class.
Zoom Access
Zoom Access
Click the button below and enter the Meeting ID# and Password to join the meeting.